Our figure of the month for Christmas 2016: More x-mas tree for less money
The Germans love their Christmas trees. It is the symbol of Christmas guaranteeing conviviality. It is therefore, that a growing number of households decide to purchase a Christmas tree. The number of sold trees started with 24 million in 2000 and reached 29.3 million in 2015, representing an average growth of 1.3 % p.a. This year the sales numbers are likely to continue their increase, according to estimates of the Association of Christmas tree producers. The sales even grew faster than the number of households 2000–2015 so that by now 73 % of all German households erect a Christmas tree (2000: 63 %).
With the sales the prices per meter climbed as well. In 2015, the price per meter was at 14.20 €, that is 4.30 € more than in 2000. However, the price increase mainly occurred in the period 2000–2007 in which the price was raised from 9.90 € per meter to 13.90 € per meter implying an inflation of almost 5 % p.a. Since then, the prices for a meter Christmas tree ranges between 14 € and 15 €. In 2015 the price even dropped by almost 6 % offering the opportunity of more Christmas tree for less money. This year the Association expects no price increases as well.
Other figures can be found here.