10/11th Dec. 2015, Berlin: workshop discussion on "Sozioökonomische Entwicklung in Deutschland: Kontinuität, Wandel, Umbruch?"

The third German workshop discussion on „Sozioökonomische Entwicklung in Deutschland: Kontinuität, Wandel, Umbruch?“ will take place from 10th to 11th December in Berlin.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the findings and views of the soeb network with external academics. The sessions focus on the topics financial markets, labour market and social policies.

The panel discussion address the question how the social system can be transformed so that it becomes more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. The academic viewpoint is complemented by opinions and conributions of civil society actors.

Those interested are cordially invited to participate. Please send a notice to sarah.cronjaeger@sofi.uni-goettingen.de.

For more information please visit www.soeb.de/en/.

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