Online Input-Output Workshop 2021

The aim of the workshop was to bring together scientists and practitioners in the field of input-output research and to provide a platform for sharing experiences and research methods in the area of input-output analysis. At the meeting, progress in the compilation of international, national and regional input-output tables, further developments in the compilation of input-output models as well as new applications and fields of application of input-output analysis were presented and discussed.

This year's workshop took place online.

The programme of the workshop can be downloaded here.

Abstracts and Presentations

March 22nd, 2021 – EN Session 1a

Lackner, T.: Towards a carbon-neutral buildings stock - GHG emissions of the Austrian buildings sector Presentation Abstract

Wiebe, K. S. & Simas, M.: Accounting for the unaccounted – emissions and labour related to firewood and charcoal use

March 22nd, 2021 – EN Session 1b

Valderas-Jaramillo, J. M.: Using available National InputOutput tables in the construction of a Multicountry Input-Output table: the case of FIGARO. Presentation

Yamano, N.: Reviewing the estimation procedures of the global InputOutput database: Improving coverage, robustness, and timeliness

March 22nd, 2021 – EN Session 2a

Tesch, J.: What drives industries' GHG footprint? A mapping algorithm to classify upstream scope 3 emissions

Röttger, L.: Balancing between economic gains and sustainability loss: approaches for multi-dimensional impact measurement and valuation Presentation Abstract

March 22nd, 2021 – EN Session 2b

Ulrich, P.: Regional distribution of impacts of industry specific additional demand in Germany – an MRIO approach

Cai, M.: Calibrated matrices of interregional trade


March 23rd, 2021 – EN Session 1a

Amaya, A. M.: Effects of economic growth on female employment in Colombia

Kulionis, V.: Global and regional drivers of CO2 footprints in 2000–2014

March 23rd, 2021 – DE/EN Session 1b

Emmenegger, J.-F.: Zum Preismodel einer reinen Arbeitsökonomie von Pasinetti Presentation

Kratena, K.: Effective Demand, Profits and Prices, and State-Dependent Multipliers Presentation

March 23rd, 2021 – DE/EN Session 2a

Wolter, M. I.: Langfristige Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie für Wirtschaft, Branchen und Berufe

Mahlberg, B.: Economy 4.0: Employment effects by occupation, industry, and gender

March 23rd, 2021 – EN Session 2b – Pitch session

de la Torre Cuevas, F.: Using a three-steps RAS procedure to disaggregate inputoutput tables: an application to Galicia´s 2013 make and use tables Presentation

Simbürger, M.: Filter Methods for MIRO Tables: An Evalution

Vargas, J.-R.: What is new in Costa Rica? Presentation

Darwili, A. G.: Measuring Net Weak Carbon Leakage

Kuzmenko, V.: Econometric Model for Estimation of Structural Dynamics and its Software Implementation Presentation


March 24th, 2021 – EN Session 1a

Nabernegg, S.: Emission distribution and incidence of national mitigation policies among households in Austria

Többen, J.: Spatial Inequality and Carbon Taxes in Germany

March 24th, 2021 – EN Session 1b

Amores, A. F.: Trade-SCAN v2. An user-friendly Trade Supply Chain Analysis tool Presentation

Lemmers, O.: The ownership dimension in GVCs: a case of CEE countries Presentation

March 24th, 2021 – EN Session 2a

Großmann, A.: Economics of climate change adaptation in Kazakhstan Presentation Abstract

Lahr, M.: Philadelphia’s Sugary Beverage Tax: A CGE Analysis of Child Daycare and Labor Market Services Presentation Abstract

March 24th, 2021 – EN Session 2b – Pitch session

Paniccia, R.: A regional hydro-economic model for Tuscany: methodology and first results Presentation

Ferraresi, T.: On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach


Call for Papers

The Call for Papers can be downloaded here.

Important dates

• Submission of abstract until January 31st, 2021
• Confirmation of participation
• Workshop programme: February 19th, 2021

Conference languages are German and English.

Workshop contribution: –

For questions please refer to Anke Mönnig, phone: +49 541 40933‑210

Scientific Committee

The IO workshop is accompanied by a Scientific Committee. Members of the Scientific Committee are:

  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (GWS)
  • Prof. Dr. Utz Reich (Hochschule Mainz)
  • Prof. Dr. Erik Dietzenbacher (Universität Groningen)
  • Dr. Kirsten S. Wiebe (SINTEF)

Organising Team

The IO-Workshop is jointly organised:

  • Anke Mönnig (GWS)
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Kronenberg (Bochum University of Applied Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther (University Bremen)