Input-Output Workshop special 2017
Conference proceedings of the 9th I-O Workshop 2017 Spezial Download
Abstracts and Presentations
Oosterhaven, J.: About modelling supply versus demand shocks: A disaster study Presentation
Richter, J.: The empirical foundation of RIO and MRIO analyses – some critical reflections Presentation
Rueda-Cantuche, J. M.: Towards official European Inter-country Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables: the FIGARO project, its methodological choices and comparison with other similar databases Presentation
Többen, J.: On the simultaneous estimation of physical and monetary commodity flows Abstract Presentation
Cai, M.: A cost-effective KRAS-based approach to the construction of MRIO tables under limited data availability
Grodzicki, M.: Prebisch-Singer effect for global value chains: fragmentation of production, relative prices and international inequalities Presentation
Flegg, T.: Can Formulae based on Location Quotients Yield Adequate Estimates of Regional Output Multipliers? A Study of South Korean Regions Presentation
Emmenegger, J.-F.: Die Rolle des Satzes von Perron-Frobenius in Leontief- und Sraffa-Modellen Abstract Presentation
Wolter, M. I.: Harmonisierung von gesamtwirtschaftlichen und regionalen Input-Output-Modellen Presentation
Köppen, D.: Estimating Aggregation Effects in Multiregional I-O-Models Abstract
Mayer, H.: Internationale Transportleistungen und Bewertungskonzepte in den Input-Output-Tabellen Presentation
Wood, R.: Key global value chains: a global multi-region structural path decomposition
Guilhoto, J.: Global Value Chains and Production Fragmentation: A Feedback Loop Analysis Based on ICIO 2016 Database
Muradov, K.: Structure and length of value chains Abstract Presentation
Wieland, H.: Supply-Extension versus Use-Extension in Environmentally Extended Input-Output Modelling: Analyzing Physical Flows within the Austrian Economy
Sommer, M.: Multi-regional Comparison of Carbon Footprint Taxation schemes
Kronenberg, T.: Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Nordrhein-Westfalen: eine Szenarienanalyse Presentation
Schwärzler, M.: The Multiregional Health Account for Germany Presentation
Kulioni, V.: Energy embodied in trade, 1970–2009
Ferreira, J.-P.: Port wine production – an MRIO value chain analysis
Vargas, J.-R.: Panama: employment forecast on an input-output framework Abstract Presentation
Jahn, M.: The spatial effect of changes in regional characteristics
Safr, K.: Regional Input-Output Tables and Inter-Regional Model for the Czech Republic Abstract
Ferraresi, T.: Tracing the value added in exports of Italy: an integrated multicountry, interregional analysis
Burmeister, J.: Estimating Trade in a Regional Input-Output Table Abstract
Meyer, M.: Quantitative Assessments of Pathways to a Resource Efficient Europe. Insights from Applications of a Multi Regional Simulation Model
Wiebe, K.: Material requirements and emission footprints of lowcarbon technology diffusion – combining a dynamic MRIO approach with elements from system dynamics modelling
Kaltenegger, O.: The Effect of Globalisation on Energy Footprints: Untangling the Links of Global Value Abstract
Stebbings, E.: Input-output models and ecosystem service feedbacks: Estimating the net GVA of economies Presentation
Zubrzycki, K.: Does intramural R&D of business enterprises drive economic growth? Presentation
Kristalova, M.: Impact of EU and Russian sanctions on sectors in EU-27 Abstract
Ulrich, P.: Regionale und multiregionale Nachfrageimpulse in einem InputOutput-basierten Allokationsmodell
List of participants
The list of participants can be downloaded here.
The conference programme is available for download here.
Guest Speakers
We are pleased to have won three high-profile guest speakers for the IO-Workshop Special 2017:
- Prof. Dr. Jan Oosterhaven (University Groningen)
- Dr. José M. Rueda-Cantuche (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre)
- Dr. Josef Richter (University of Innsbruck)
Call for Papers
Regional / Multi-Regional Input-Output Analyses (RIO / MRIO) have gained new importance in empirical economic research. Inter- and intra-regional interdependencies are of major interest for many research questions. We welcome contributions in the following exemplary research fields:
- Analysis of regional structural change
- Economic impacts of (natural) desasters
- Regional effects of investment projects
- Global value chain analysis
- Compilation of RIO / MRIO tables
- Empirical foundations of RIO / MRIO analyses
Further topics related to RIO / MRIO are highly welcome.
The workshop addresses producers and users of RIO and MRIO tables. The aim is to present and discuss the progress in generating Regional and Multi-Regional Input-Output datasets, in RIO / MRIO-modelling as well as new fields of application of RIO / MRIO analysis.
The Call for Papers can be downloaded here.
Important dates
- Submission of extended abstract until January 15th, 2017
- Confirmation of participation and preliminary timeline until February 1st, 2017
- Registration/payment of workshop contribution until february 28th, 2017
- Workshop programme March 1st, 2017
Conference language German and English.
Workshop contribution: 45 € (with additional 19 % VAT) p.p.
For questions please refer to Anke Mönnig: Email: moen; Phone: +49 (0)541 40933-210
Scientific Committee
The IO workshop is accompanied by a Scientific Committee. Members of the Scientific Committee are:
- Prof. Dr. Udo Ludwig (IWH)
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (GWS)
- Prof. Dr. Utz Reich (University of Applied Sciences Mainz)
- Prof. Dr. Erik Dietzenbacher (University Groningen)
- Prof. Dr. Josef Richter (University Innsbruck)
- Prof. Dr. Reiner Stäglin (DIW)
Organising Team
The IO-Workshop is jointly organised:
- Anke Mönnig (GWS)
- Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther (University Bremen)
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Kronenberg (Bochum University of Applied Sciences)