In this research contract for the Federal Institute of Sports Science (BISp) the market research institute 2hm (Mainz) and the GWS jointly update the German Sport Satellie Accounts (SSA) biennially. Therfore the preparation and implementation of updated surveys is limited to a reliable minimum with regard to the three in recent years carried out research project "Private sports consumption" ( commisioned by BISp and BMI), "Sports sponsorship, sports advertising and media rights" (commissioned by BMWi) and "investment in sports facilities and their maintenance" (commissioned by BMWi). The updated data base allows a SNA conform update of the SSA fihures. While 2hm is responsible for carrying out the sportspecific surveys of the SSA the GWS combines them consistently to the National Accounts data sets of the Federal Statistical Office.
Due to its geographical location in the Mediterranean as well as its geophysical characteristics as a small islands region, Malta is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In addition to direct physical impacts of climate change (such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, persistent droughts and water scarcity), the direct and indirect economic consequences must also be considered. This calls for a systemic analysis of individual sectoral development dynamics and economy-wide interaction- and feedback-effects resuling from complex socioeconomic interdependencies.
In this service contract for the Maltese Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning; we are conducting a first such assessment for the Maltese economy. Based on an analysis of the current situation, a deeper understanding of future potential macroeconomic climate change impacts is obtained from scenario modelling analyses. To provide a strong evidence base for adaptation policymaking and adaptation action, knowledge co-creation principles will be realised through rigorous stakeholder engagement on the evaluation stage of this climate vulnerability risk assessment.
Global primary raw material extractions have been growing continuously for decades. Sustainability research therefore stresses the need for more appropriate considerations of planetary boundaries within international resource policy strategies. Research findings from studies focussing on further developments of already established resource policy approaches are also regularly published by international and multilateral institutions (in particular UNEP IRP, but also the OECD as well as the G7, G20 and the European Union). Thus, a comprehensive evidence base can be accessed for the planning of specific long-term resource policy measures.
As a member of the G7, G20 and the EU and as a permanent member of the IRP Steering Committee and the OECD, the Federal Republic of Germany is provided with substantial opportunities to help shape and implement respective resource policy approaches. With extensive consideration of the above-mentioned evidence base, this project supports the Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in the preparation of respective contributions to international committees and processes. Through regular preparations of sound reviews on selected most recent topical publications from relevant thematic areas (like, for example, resource conservation, resource efficiency and circular economy) as well as more detailed assessments of applied methodological approaches and databases, this project thus provides essential support for Germany's contributions to the further development of international and national resource policy measures.
The aim of this research project is to improve knowledge about the resource intensity of digital transformation in Germany. With the help of suitable data models, the use of natural resources (raw materials) of the "system digitalization" will be quantified on different levels (micro, meso, macro). For this purpose, the various sub-areas of digitization will be systematized at the beginning of the work. Finally, based on the quantitative analyses, design approaches will be developed in various subject areas for a resource-conserving development of digitization, which will lead to policy recommendations and a description of the need for further research.
On behalf of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), GWS analysed the multi-national World Input Output Database (WIOD, Release 2016). The study focused on the economic significance of aviation sectors in 43 national economies: Direct, indirect and induced value added and employment effects were derived from an integrated analysis of national WIOD Tables and national WIOD Socio Economic Accounts statistics. Resulting findings were handed over to DLR as socio-economic benchmarks for the evaluation of macroeconomic effects of the European research cooperation "Clean Sky 2".
All calculations rested on an original GWS-algorithm for sectoral analyses of WIOD datasets. These calculation routines have been coded in R and can be adapted individually. Therefore, this algorithm can also be applied to WIOD-based analyses of alternative economic sectors on more geographically aggregated economic regions or extended reporting periods without extensive further programming in the future.
The project SOCLIMPACT aims at defining climate change impact-chains and low carbon transition pathways in European islands for 2050 and beyond, and analyzing their corresponding macro-economic and non-market consequences for Europe.
Firstly, climate impact projections for islands will be developed. The project will take into account the relationship between CC and biophysical impacts, according to each island’s specificities and vulnerability indicators. Secondly, the assessment of the socio-economic impacts in four key areas of the EU Blue Economy (aquaculture, coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries and maritime transport) will be done.
Finally, the project will rank and map low carbon and adaptation solutions, according to each island´s particularities and CC scenarios.
The objectives:
1. To develop a thorough understanding on how climate change will affect the EU islands, given their specific vulnerability compared to continental Europe.
2. To provide consolidated data and knowledge with a cross-sectorial perspective on the socio-economic costs of different climate change scenarios for 2050 and beyond, for EU islands and the spill-over effects on the EU Blue Economy.
3. To validate a new methodology for the estimation of the economic value of non-market consequences of CC as well as the non-market benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation actions for Europe.
4. To identify and rank the more appropriate low-carbon transition pathways and risk management strategies for each EU Island, according to different climate change scenarios.
5. To deliver, through innovative technological support tools, downscaled recommendations to policy makers and practitioners in order to foster the desired transition.
The SimRess project analyzes the potential effectiveness of policy measures and mixes in the field of resource policy. Considering a time horizon through 2050, the project will interpret model simulation results from both a system dynamics model and an econometrics model. The modeling process will inform policy recommendations, and might therefore, contribute to further developing the national resource efficiency program ProgRess
The models may explore topics such as: domestic and abroad resource use, GDP, or job creation. The models will integrate national, European, and global trends and projections, in addition to context scenarios from the project PolRess.
SimRess will build off of two established models – the system-dynamics model – WORLD by Lund University and the econometrics model – GINFORS, by GWS mbH. These proven models will set national resource use in a global context. Another aim of the SimRess project is to enhance the models to compare outputs up until 2030, and to identify ways to exchange information between the two models. Quantitative analysis will follow from the modeling results.
Unter Leitung des Wuppertal Instituts sind neben der GWS das Ecologic Institut, das Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik (FFU), das Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS), das Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI) sowie das Öko-Institut e.V. damit beauftragt, die Entwicklung von konkreten ökonomischen Instrumenten zur Steigerung der Effizienz der Ressourceninanspruchnahme in Deutschland und der EU zu unterstützen. Hierzu sollen relevante Handlungsfelder identifiziert und bestehende Erfahrungen im In- und Ausland analysiert werden, auf deren Basis konkret umsetzbare Instrumente entwickelt und deren ökologische Effekte abgeschätzt werden können. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung eines Policymix, der diese Instrumente möglichst effizient verbindet. Ziel des AP4 ist die Ermittlung der Potenziale verschiedener Instrumentenvorschläge zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz. In Simulationsrechnungen mit dem globalen umweltökonomischen Modell GINFORS werden quantitative Aussagen zu den Umweltauswirkungen und den ökonomischen und sozialen Effekten des Einsatzes der ausgewählten Instrumente abgeleitet.
The POLFREE project is about policies to improve resource efficiency. The first question which needs to be answered in order to motivate the project is why resources have been and are being used inefficiently, why is policy in this area necessary? The analysis will provide the entry point to the development of new concepts and paradigms that can radically increase resource efficiency. On the basis of this practical envisioning of a resource-efficient future, together with clear articulation of the kinds of policies that will be required to bring it about, scenarios will be built and modeled to give detailed insights into and quantitative representation of the relationships between policies, materials flows, environmental impacts and socio-economic outcomes. A major novelty of this project is that it will link three very different models (GINFORS, LPJmL and EXIOPOL) and use state-of-the-art modeling and institutional and economic analysis of drivers and barriers to study the effects of policy interventions. From its new vision for a resource-efficient Europe, the project will propose new policy mixes, business models and mechanisms of global governance through which resource-efficient economies may be promoted. The focus of the work of GWS will be in work package 3 (Scenarios and modelling of policy implementation for resource efficiency), in which the GWS has the lead.
Advice and support to the Kazakh National Statistical Institute concerning the practical implementation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and a Health Satellite Account (HSA) on the basis of the internationally accepted methodological implemenation manuals. Training of experts within the competent ministries in the analytical use of these National Accounts (SNA) supplementary economical statistical reporting systems.