Taxation of the Air Transport Sector
Project description:
In the framework of this project a study on the taxation of the aviation sector in the European Union was prepared for the European Commission (DG TAXUD). The GINFORS-E model was applied to calculate the impact of different EU tax scenarios for other modes of transport and other sectors of the economy. It received inputs from the AERO-MS model, which provides a detailed representation of the aviation sector. DG TAXUD has published the report as part of the information on green taxation in the Fit for 55 package (the report is listed under "further reading").
Neiva, R., Pons, A., Horton, G., Lutz, C., Distelkamp, M., de Luis Iglesias, R., Brajterman, O., van Velzen, A. & Pirlot, A. (2021):
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector. Final Report. Report for European Commission (DG TAXUD). Ricardo, Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung (GWS) mbH, Ipsos. ED 14102, Issue number 2.1.
‐ 2021
Contracting entity:
European Commission (DG TAXUD)
Cooperation partner:
Ricardo Energy & Environment