Studie zum Pendleraufkommen in der Stadt Osnabrück
Project description:

Wie stellt sich die aktuelle Einpendelsituation der Stadt Osnabrück dar und welche Entwicklung hat sie in den letzten Jahren genommen? Es werden empirische Auswertungen der Einpendelverkehre sowohl hinsichtlich des aktuellen Standes als auch hinsichtlich der Entwicklung seit 2010 durchgeführt. Auf Basis bestehender Arbeiten werden die wesentlichen Einflussgrößen  und  Motive für das Pendelverhalten dargelegt. Um den Methodenmix zu vervollständigen, werden mit wichtigen Arbeitgebern der Stadt die derzeitige Struktur und die zukünftigen Anforderungen an den Pendelverkehr diskutiert. Auch der Trend des mobilen Arbeitens findet Eingang in die Untersuchung.

Regional economic impact of the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhenish mining area
Project description:

In this study, the direct, indirect and income-induced effects on employment and gross value added from the construction of a data center and a digital park in the Rhineland region were examined. The analysis of regional employment effects was conducted using a regional input-output table for NRW. An analysis of commuter flows between the "Rheinisches Revier" and surrounding districts and independent cities provides further insights into the spatial distribution of employment and income effects. The results have been incorporated into a feasibility study, which was commissioned by the NRW Ministry of Economics and carried out by Telekom via DE-CIX Management GmbH.

The impact of climate policy measures on the Austrian labour market
Project description:

What are the consequences for the labour market if measures are taken to prevent from climate change and/or to adapt to climate change?" This is the central question to be answered within a project - commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection in Austria. Various climate policy measures (e.g. energy-efficient building refurbishment, switch to public transport) are analysed with regard to their impact on labour demand and CO2 savings. The (economy-energy-environment) model for Austria of the GWS is used to calculate the scenarios and to quantify the (socio-)economic, energetic and environmental consequences up to the year 2030.

The project is carried out jointly with Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) from Austria.

Study on the need for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region
Project description:

For the Chamber of Industry and Commerce North Westphalia and the Chamber of Crafts and Skilled Trades Münster, GWS investigates the quantitative and qualitative demand for commercial space in the Emscher-Lippe region. It deals with the demand of companies and businesses already resident in the district and those willing to settle in the cities of Bottrop and Gelsenkirchen, the district of Recklinghausen and the associated municipalities.

GWS is implementing the study in four individual modules within a timeframe of six months. In the first three modules, existing secondary data will be evaluated and primary data will be collected and analysed by means of its own surveys and interviews in order to determine the quantitative and qualitative space requirements. In the fourth module, the results are compiled in writing and formulated as a political demand.

Prognose der VBG-Branchen-Entwicklung
Project description:

Innerhalb dieser Untersuchung wird die Entwicklung der Branchen der Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG) auf Grundlage der VBG-Daten und der QuBe-Projektionen vorausberechnet, um zukünftige Versichertenzahlen der VBG abzuschätzen und mögliche Risiken zu identifizieren. Die Prognose berücksichtigt dabei Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt, wie sie sich bspw. durch die Digitalisierung und den demografischen Wandel ergeben und erlaubt eine regionale Betrachtung. Zudem ist die Fragestellung angeschlossen, wie sich das Arbeits- und Wegeunfallrisiko aufgrund des Wandels auf dem Arbeitsmarkt entwickeln wird. Unter Berücksichtigung der BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung werden branchen- und berufsspezifische Gesundheitsgefahren herausgearbeitet und projiziert. Mit den Daten des Linked Personnel Panels werden außerdem die Entwicklungen der Entgrenzung der Arbeit untersucht. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse und Projektionen sollen branchenspezifische Handlungsempfehlungen der VBG ermöglichen.

Comparative Quantitative Data Analysis for Logistic and E-Commerce Sector in France and Germany
Project description:

France and Germany are the core countries of the European union. Both are the steering wheel and engine for the European integration. Both countries are connected with a long history of rivalry. However, since the end of world war two the French-German friendship continues to build and grow. Nevertheless, France and Germany are different in many aspects – ranging from the location and size of the country, to administrative organisation and to cultural and social differences.

In this paper we concentrate on the economic similarities and differences between both countries. We aim to exercise a quantitative analysis on the comparison of the sectoral structure between France and Germany. Different purposes shall be met:

1. Development of a set of indicator which allows to fastly pinpoint similarities and differences between these two economies on sectoral level.

2. The set of indicator shall be universally applicable for different economies and different sectors.

3. The indicator shall be discussed and tested on the example of the logistic and e-commerce sector in France and Germany.

4. The indicator shall be a mix on data on sectoral and occupational level.

The study builds on different datasets (Input-output tables, national accounts, labour surveys etc.) and uses mainly the methods of input-output-analysis to distinguish sectoral differences.

BMAS-Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany
Project description:

The QuBe project team ( has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) to develop an analytic tool that provides a reliable assessment of the future development of both the demand for skilled worker and the available supply. This analytical instrument is intended to identify demographic, qualificational and regional mismatches in the labour market at an early stage and to point out spheres of activity. The effects of institutional, operational and societal change are additionally determined by scenario calculations.

Methodologically, the project is based on the macroeconometric input-output model INFORGE, which was extended to include a labour market model for the QINFORGE model. This labour market module differentiates according to occupations, qualifications, requirements and in future also according to competences. Not only the results of the population projection of the IAB and the educational model of the BIBB are included, but also data sets such as the National Accounts (VGR), the Microcensus and the employment history are linked to form a consistent data set.


In 2018, the first BMAS-forecast and a BMAS-scenario will be available for the national level.

In 2019, the results from 2018 will be regionalized and reported for 50 labour market regions.

In 2020, an update of the BMAS-forecast and two supplementary BMAS scenarios at national and regional level will follow.

Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs
Project description:

The central issue of MeetPASS is to explore whether and to which extent achieving climate goals as foreseen in the Paris Agreement reinforces or potentially impedes reaching other sustainable development goals (SDGs). By conducting an integrated model-based scenario analysis including stakeholders and experts, the economic, environmental but foremost social and equality impacts of a transition to a low-carbon-society will be analysed from a global as well as Austrian perspective.
The project is jointly conducted by SERI (Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Wien) and GWS. SERI is mainly responsible for the scenario development and GWS for the scenario analysis with the Austrian model and the global model GINFORS.
This project is funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund as part of the „Austrian Climate Research Programme – ACRP 9th Call“.

Green careers – analysis of "green" qualifications and professions
Project description:

Green Economy links together ecology and economy positively. New ways of production as well as changed consumption structures and consumption methods lead to technological developments and changed products. In this context, the transition to Green Economy will open new national as well as international opportunities and markets. Additionally, the demand for workers and employees, who will be able to implement the new production processes, increases. “Green Careers” are arising.

In this background, the GWS, in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), investigates in the framework of the project ”Green Careers – An Analysis of Green Qualifications and Vocations”  the development of qualification structures and future qualification demands of employees in branches of special significance for the process of transformation. The research focuses on recognising shortages of skilled labour, to be able to counter possible constraints of the development.

Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030)
Project description:

Chile owns almost 30% of the global copper reserves and its mining is of major importance to the national economy. Due to this the international economic development has a big influence on Chile’s prosperity. The research project wants to assess the vulnerability of the Chilean economy in consequence of their heavy concentration on the raw material copper in the medium- and long-term.
The basis for this is a recently initiated project cooperation with Prof. Dr. Aroca from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. The study focusses on the economic and social aspects of a sustainable development of the Chilean copper mining. Possible ways to make copper mining more sustainable are sketched out to the decision-makers and are further illustrated by a macro-economic projection and simulation-model.
