Business locations must constantly develop further in order to survive in the competition between locations. In order to be able to set the right impulses, decision-makers must have comprehensive knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the business location - they must be able to weigh up the opportunities and risks of possible alternative courses of action on the basis of sound and comprehensive information.
For this purpose, the RegioBoard as structural reporting for municipalities, districts and regions offers a digitally prepared decision-making aid. The RegioBoard is an interactive and web-based dashboard that contains the most important figures, data and facts on the topics of employment and the labor market, demographics and education, as well as industry structure and industry developments. The presentation of the business location is not limited to its own current situation, but the key figures are always placed in relation to neighboring municipalities or districts or even to selected, similarly structured economic areas. This makes it possible to classify the current situation, enabling well-founded decisions to be made on the future-oriented further development of one's own business location.
The RegioBoard was developed in the cooperation project Datacharts together with EWAS and the IT service provider Christian Hahn.
The German Savings Bank Association and publishing house receive a quarterly update of the sectoral forecast. The forecast is update in the context of current economic developments.
The German Savings Bank Association and publishing house uses for its information platform regularly updated forecasts of turnover and cost items on a highly disaggregated level of industrial classification (NACE-2008). The aim is to validate the developments of single industries in the current economic situation.
In the area of securing skilled labor, forecasts on future developments in the labor market and Germany's economic structure are of particular importance.
The BMAS Expert Monitoring was set up for the first time in 2017 to reliably assess future labor market developments over the next 20 years. This will be continued with the QuBe consortium together with the BMAS. Alternative scenarios are to be developed jointly in order to be able to draw up recommendations for action.
In the next four years, the focus will be on medium-term forecasts, climate, trade, gender and regions.
GenDis investigates the social situation, occupational mobility and occupational motivation of service workers producing public goods. Particular attention is paid to occupations in which contradictions between the relevance to the common good and working conditions are commonplace or in which personnel bottlenecks are predicted. The project aims to find out under which conditions people of working age are also prepared in the future to engage professionally in socially necessary services (e.g. health, security, education).
The Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI) is leading the project, evaluating survey and process data and carrying out qualitative analyses. Scientific cooperation partners in the project are the BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) and the GWS.
Uganda and Rwanda have committed to take climate action by ratifying the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the goal to limit global average temperature increase well below 2°C.
The macroeconomic implications of CO2 mitigation strategies in these countries have been scarcely explored. The project aims to close this gap and to identify sustainable transformation pathways towards a low-carbon economy.
For this purpose, two country-specific models will be (further) developed jointly with local partners, which map the interrelationships between economy and environment.
The environmental-economic effects of various climate protection scenarios will then be calculated using these models, thus supporting evidence-based policy advice.
Climate change has a substantial impact on economic growth and a country’s development. This increases the need for reliable and viable approaches to assessing the impact of climate risks and potential adaptation scenarios.
The project consortium will support the pilot countries (Georgia, Kazakhstan and Vietnam) in (i) expanding their model-building capacities with regard to the integration of climate change into economic models, (ii) integrating the results into the political (climate change adaptation) process and (iii) strengthening international cooperation between governments, international organisations and in development cooperation.
Further information on the project, in particular on the three macroeconomic models, is summarized here.
In 2006, the QuBe-project group -- consisting of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) and Institute of Economic Research (GWS) -- was formed with the aim to adequately address future qualification and occupational requirements. A unique system of two projection modules (IAB / INFORGE and BIBB / FIT) that are based on a sophisticated labour-specific dataset allow for balancing labour demand and supply on the national as well as on the regional level. To perpetuate the collaboration with regard to content and methodology, the cooperation has now been approved with a frame contract. The update and further development of the projection model IAB / INFORGE and up to three simulations per year form the bases of the prolonged contract. The specification of the simulation and methodological advancement are subject to close consultation with the IAB.
Als Teil der QuBe-Kooperation konzentriert sich das BIBB_QuBe-Projekt auf die Modellierung des zukünftigen Angebots von Erwerbspersonen bis zum Jahr 2035. Dabei wird sowohl nach Altersgruppen, Geschlecht, Ausbildungsstatus, Qualifikationsniveau und erlerntem Beruf differenziert als auch nach Regionen. Das Arbeitsangebot wird dabei nicht nur in Köpfen, sondern auch in Stunden (Arbeitsvolumenpotenzial) ausgewiesen.
Das zugrundeliegende Analyseinstrument ist das Modell QINFORGE, welches den berufsspezifischen Bedarf an Arbeitskräften sowohl nach der Anzahl der Erwerbstätigen als auch nach den benötigten Stunden ermittelt. Darauf aufbauend ist es möglich, das ermittelte Arbeitsangebot der Arbeitsnachfrage nach einzelnen Berufsgruppen gegenüberzustellen. Ziel ist es, mögliche Engpässe bei Berufsgruppen offenzulegen.
The aim of the project is to estimate how the implementation of the measures required to achieve a climate-neutral economy by 2050 will affect employment. The employment effects are calculated up to 2030. The packages of measures are specifications from Prognos et al. (2020). The employment effects are calculated in the QINFORGE model, which is currently in its 6th wave (Maier et al. 2020).